What is Acupuncture
Illness is caused by a disharmony of life energy or qi (pronounced chee). When the balance of qi is disturbed — due to trauma, poor diet, medications, stress, hereditary conditions, environmental factors or excessive emotions — pain or illness results. Acupuncture corrects these energetic imbalances by breaking up any obstructions and encouraging an even flow of qi, which stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Oriental medicine can remedy acute or chronic ailments, relieve pain, enhance recuperative powers and strengthen the immune system.
What to expect
Since acupuncture uses a holistic approach, it is important for the therapist to gather information on all of the body’s systems by taking a complete medical history and observing the patient’s pulse and tongue.
Most patients describe treatment as deeply relaxing and energizing. The number of treatments varies with the extent of the ailment. Most patients see improvement from the first treatment. Since acupuncture uses the body’s own healing mechanisms, there are virtually no adverse side effects.
Acupuncture needles are very different from the hypodermic needles used to give injections. The pre-sterilized, disposable needles are hair-thin and flexible. The insertion may feel like a quick pinch or be hardly noticeable; sensations of pressure, fullness or tingling may follow.