Spring Lotus Healing Arts

Since 1988 it has been the mission of Spring Lotus Healing Arts to focus on each patient the appropriate healing techniques from the great wealth of Oriental medicine. We honor that 2000-year tradition through experienced listening to the patient's mind, body and spirit. Oriental medicine works through individualized care and treatment that allows each patient to become a partner in his/her own healing and wellness.


You can see our calendar and book your own appointments here or by calling 401-294-1644. Times are available between 7:30 am - 6pm Monday thru Friday. 



Your initial visit will last around 1 1/2 hours and will include a complete health history followed by a treatment.


Follow up treatments will be individually tailored to meet your physical and mental needs at the time of each visit.


Insurance Policy: While we don't bill your insurance directly, we do provide the necessary paperwork to be reimbursed. Please check with your individual insurance provider to see if your treatment is able to be reimbursed.

1130 Ten Rod Rod, Suite B-204, North Kingstown, RI  •  401-294-1644 •   frontdesk@springlotus.com